The Mabel L. Chambers Endowment’s LISAP (Low-Income Sewer Assistance Program) Information
(This program has ended until further notice.)
The Low-Income Sewer Assistance Program (LISAP) is funded by Jefferson County Community Service Committee. The Endowment administers the LISAP program for eligible households in Jefferson County with sewer deposits and/or payments. Funds are paid directly to utility companies and vendors.
No-Contact LISAP (Low-Income Sewer Assistance Program) Process
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Mabel L. Chambers Endowment has changed how we provide services to the community. The Low-Income Sewer Assistance Program (LISAP) application packets can be completed or downloaded online and are also available for pick-up and drop-off.
We are currently accepting utility bills and paying up to $100.00 per household for the sewer portion of your bill. You MUST complete and sign the application and waiver and attach a copy of ALL required documents to the application then place them in the dropbox located at 2527 9th Avenue N., Bessemer, AL 35020 (Chambers Funeral Home, Inc.). You may download the application below, or you can pick up an application from 2527 9th Avenue N., Bessemer, AL (Chambers Funeral Home, Inc.).
NOTE: If you do not include all of the required documents, we will not be able to complete your application for assistance.
Please choose one of the following options
to submit your application:
Option 1: Download and Mail-in your application.
Clients who have access to the internet can now download the Low-Income Sewer Assistance Program (LISAP ) application and return the application to the DROPBOX or mail it to M. L. Chambers Endowment ATTN: LISAP 2527 9th Avenue. N., Bessemer, AL 35020. If you wish to digitally sign the application, click the tab below to download the application.
TO DIGITALLY SIGN THE APPLICATION, YOU MUST OPEN THE APPLICATION IN A PDF READER. (Adobe Reader, Foxit PDF Etc.) attach all documents requested, and drop them off in the M. L. Chambers Endowment Dropbox.
Option 2: Pick up Application in Person
The Low-Income Sewer Assistance Program (LISAP ) application packets are available for pickup at Chambers Funeral Home, Inc., 2527 9th Avenue N., Bessemer, AL 35020. Just complete the packet with the required documents and place the application in the DROPBOX located outside Chambers Funeral Home, Inc. (2527 9th Avenue N., Bessemer, AL 35020) near the front entrance.
Option 3: Submit Application and Upload Documents Online
The Low-Income Sewer Assistance Program (LISAP ) application is available to submit via an online form. All required documents are required to be uploaded within the online form.
LISAP Assistance Guide
The Low-Income Sewer Assistance Program (LISAP) helps qualified households in meeting the rising costs of their sewer bill. Please read the instructions carefully and use the step-by-step guide below to ensure you are submitting a complete application.
Failure to provide requested information and documents will delay your application process.
NOTE: The Low-Income Sewer Assistance Program (LISAP) season is April 1, 2021 until the July 31, 2021.
Complete and Sign the Application after it is downloaded.
Complete and Sign the Client Home Energy Data Request Waiver (ALL BLANKS MUST BE COMPLETE)
Include a COPY of PHOTO ID for Head of Household or Spouse (Person Signing Application)
Include a COPY of SOCIAL SECURITY CARDS for ALL household members.
Include a COPY of INCOME DOCUMENTATION for ALL household members for the previous month of your application. For example, if you submit an application in the month of October, we will need income verification for the entire month of September.
Pay stubs for the previous month of your application date.
Unemployment award letter
Social Security, SSI, Disability yearly benefit letter for 2020
Child Support, TANF
• EXCEPTION: If anyone 18 or over had NO INCOME, Income from Occasional Work and/or received money from family or friends or income not reported elsewhere.
Complete & Sign the Declaration of Household Income. THIS DOCUMENT NO LONGER NEEDS TO BE NOTARIZED. ONLY COMPLETE if anyone 18 or over in the household had NO INCOME for the month prior to application OR received INCOME FROM OCCASIONAL WORK (such as lawn care, house cleaning, babysitting, etc.) and/or RECEIVED MONEY from family or friends or INCOME NOT REPORTED ELSEWHERE. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE DECLARATION OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME FORM
Include current utility bill/statement
Include COPY of Lease/Utility Allowance – ONLY For Section 8/HUD or income-based housing
Review each page for completeness, sign/date where requested, and include ALL required documents.
Submit Application Packet via the M.L. Chambers Endowment DROPBOX with the sealed envelope labeled , ATTN: LISAP in the designated outdoor dropbox at 2527 9th Avenue N., Bessemer, AL 35020. (ATTN: LISAP on the cover sheet)
Mail Application Packet to M.L. Chambers Endowment ATTN: LISAP, 2527 9th Avenue N., Bessemer, AL 35020